
Django template filter for splitting a list into columns.


The full documentation is at


  1. Install the package. At the command line:

    $ pip install django-columns
  2. Add columns to INSTALLED_APPS.

3. Using django-columns is easy. Front-end developers and designers will find it particularly useful.

To split a list into 2 lists, to fill 2 Bootstrap grid columns:

{% load columns %}

<div class="row">
    {% for col in mylist|columns:2 %}
        <div class="col-md-6">
            {% for item in col %}
                <div class="item">{{ item }}</div>
            {% endfor %}
        </div><!-- /col-md-6 -->
    {% endfor %}
</div><!-- /row -->

Similarly, to split a list into 3 lists, to fill 3 columns:

{% load columns %}

<div class="row">
    {% for col in mylist|columns:3 %}
        <div class="col-md-4">
            {% for item in col %}
                <div class="item">{{ item }}</div>
            {% endfor %}
        </div><!-- /col-md-4 -->
    {% endfor %}
</div><!-- /row -->

These examples use Bootstrap-style columns, but you can use any other grid framework with django-columns.